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Apple Time

The span of time in which one consumes apples and apple-related products.

Fella 1: "Dude, it's apple Time."
Fella 2: *fist bump*
Fella 3: "If you say apple time one more time you're out of my class"
Fella 1: "Apple time"
Fella 3 ascends into heaven

by turkey fingers November 1, 2018

Apple Time

The moment of Apple product is not working right after warranty off...

technician: How can I help you?
you: Apple Time!!!!
technician: oh! hell yeah.

by EDWEIRD July 18, 2017

Apple time

The iconic '9:42 AM' shown in many Apple devices as the system's time.

Mickey Hey, Mallory, what time is it?
Mallory: It's Apple time, Mickey, 9:42 AM.

by Wizard-Lizard January 17, 2017

Apple peeler

A fruity slave that helps prepare food. (Generally used to refer to a homosexual)

Luis is an apple peeler!

by Animal P. February 14, 2018

Apple Dapple

When you eat to many apples and start to dapple

I couldn’t go to school because I had Apple Dapple

by Jsjjsjshbdbdjsbsb January 20, 2019

Tiny Apple

A cherry.

"'ey, you got any o' dem tiny apples?"

"Pretty please with a tiny apple on top?"

"Sundaes are great with maraschino tiny apples."

by jmanjunk September 7, 2016

apple cider hole

Apple Cider Hole is another word for pussy

Damn I need to get some Apple Cider Hole

by Dr. _Teeth August 1, 2017