fart boy harry is a snapchat groupchat, that has been through a lot of groupchats actually. this groupchat dies a lot but when active, it’s the best
person 1: hey! what’s fart boy harry?
person 2: oh hey!! fart boy harry is a groupchat on snapchat!! did you not literally get that from the definition??? freak 😑
Harry Clarke is a gay bender nigga I’ll slap his white ass into the face the little coon, his dick is 3 cm and he loves summa Roberts and wants his 2 inch over her every night then gets scared of a midget
Donate now to save the little prick to grow his penis😭
A sexy beast who is the best striker in the whole football world.
“ Oh, you know that Harry Hinton? Yeah he’s a gorgeous man”
An amazing, adorable cutie who will steal your heart. He’s perfect and you just can’t help falling in love with him. Harrys are usually a little awkward, but once you get to know them, they’re the funniest, most caring person you’ll ever meet. If you’ve got a Harry, you may as well have won the lottery, cause you can’t get any better than that.
something my girlfriend and I can never discuss
Harry Potter was given more materials than the other kids thus meaning he had more privileges. That being said that does not mean that his life was necessarily easier than anyone else's.
Harry Potter. A person who’s a wizard that likes to use expelliarmus waaaaay to much.
A) Your friend is such a Harry Potter.
B) Harry Potter is the best type of person in the world
Protagonist of the Harry Potter book series. Jesus of the wizard world.
Are you worried about getting killed by voldemort?
No, Harry Potter will save us all