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Pieper ranch middle school

The most shittiest school/hell with the absolute worst teachers. Here let me explain each subject of teachers. ELA: all are assholes. Math: self explanatory. History: some are cool. Science: thatโ€™s unexplainable

When I die I donโ€™t want to go to pieper ranch middle school

by Mr.Factman May 9, 2020

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North End Middle School

All Iโ€™m gonna say is the whole school can burn in hell and the school is full of thots wanna be New Yorkers so bad wanna be gangster ass niggas and the teachers weirdos asf and just to sum it up half the people in the school ainโ€™t shit period. Oh and if u like fighting over ainโ€™t shit niggas north end is the school to go to.

I wanna learn how to be a fake gangster/thot
Oh just go to north end middle school.

by Niggasandbitchesaintshit April 16, 2019

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Lower Township Middle School

Also known as RMT, a place full of rats. The girls and guys there are absolute pieces of crap. People also, love starting rumors. Beware, they will attempt to jump you because of this fake gossip. Many of them vape and do drugs, so watch out because this school is absolutely terrible. They donโ€™t even have air conditioning! Do NOT go to this school. EVER. Itโ€™s located in south jersey.

โ€œOmg look at those gross kids from lower township middle schoolโ€

by Noneyabus1ne55 January 26, 2020

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Citrus Springs Middle School

The suckiest school on Earth. The moment you enter its gates the squirrels that live in the gutters begin to suck your soul until it gradually disintegrate into nothing. But they have a pretty kick ass jazz band.

Jonny-Dude I hate this county
Adrianna-Yeah especially our stupid school
Jonny-Citrus Springs Middle School
Adrianna-The name makes my soul burn!

by Ebony-Ivory4 November 3, 2009

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James Breckinridge Middle School

Breckinridge is full of stupid fucks that do not give a fuck about their education, and full of many white future school shooters, and full of many many many hoes.

James Breckinridge Middle School is ass

by slatt38 November 20, 2019

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North Olmsted Middle School

kinda no lie annoying school, lots of drama, drugs, and other things that 6-8th graders shouldn't be exposed too. not a good experience ngl

north olmsted middle school is stupid

by thatsrealll October 16, 2019

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City knoll middle school

A bumb school that is full of fake people and dumb teachers that donโ€™t hop off you and itโ€™s a miserable school and always fights mad dayroom can never find somebody that is not fake in that school and a bunch of treeshas that stink

City knoll middle school sucks

City knoll middle school is fake

by Iโ€™m a treesh October 7, 2019

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