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Paul Jeon

The absolute definition of a sexy jock. Paul Jeon is the chad at its finest and the perfect example of a sweet gentleman. Paul Jeon's are known to have the sweetest heart as well as a very caring nature.

"Man look at Paul Jeon over there, I wish I was him."

by sudoplanker November 22, 2021

Paul Arc

A Paul Arc is when you’re single and using that time for growth. It could mean self improvement, growing in faith, working out more, breaking addictions, or starting a business.

Named after the Apostle Paul, who was single for his entire life. Rather than fretting about it, he used the spare time to help the early church grow and urged young men to do the same.

Jack and Chad both got dumped around the same time. Jack spent the whole year moping about and whining about it, and is still single to this day.

Chad took a different approach: he went on his Paul Arc. He got on a workout routine, started reading his Bible every day, started a business selling nutritional supplements, and got married about five years later.

by WeAlsoDoSomeTrolling December 16, 2024

Super Paul

Lester Paul Raymond Doyle

You know who to call Super paul!

by #HBO September 14, 2020