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Gang Gang

A friend group that consists of 8 to 10 people which are all loyal, kind, and respectful to each other 10 times more than a usual friend group.

That group is a gang gang

by Guesswhothisisheehe April 21, 2024

Hang Gang Bang

When you are having a girls game night that turns into a wine soaked gang bang when the husbands or boyfriends crash the party.

Just prepping for the neighborhood Bunco night that turns into a hang gang bang when all the husbands crash it!

by chinoalfonz March 9, 2021

Turtle gang

Special gang made by aly n loz

Can I please join the turtle gang

by Aly n loz October 16, 2021

turtle gang

the best gang in the roblox metaverse

"turtle gang" is very cool

by itsammon March 18, 2022

Turtle Gang

In the mist of Janesville, Minnesota there's a gang the turtle gang. They are the best gang out there they roam the street and the school we will attach and our sheld is our backs. We will attach the white spider gang.

The turtle gang is the best gang who ever lived

by Iliketurtlesalottt December 5, 2018


FAH= fuck a hoe gang .... Used in Tampa to say .. "I don't care about them other girls"

Idgaf cuz I'm with FAH gang and I can fight too

Fah gang fahh ganggg

by Dashhiiiee August 12, 2015

router gang

Another copy and pasted gucci gang meme

bout ta hit ya wit dat router gang

by SkRt GaNg May 24, 2018