definition for this is dickeater
bro stop talking shit your just (dick eating) at this point.DE
Josh: man i really like Craig hes such a nice guy
Will: bruh stop with the de
The worst Goalkeeper in the Premier League and possible Europe. Has a howler at least once every two weeks and is a waste of transfer fees
“David de fraud was shite last night against West Ham”
Celebrated on the fifth of every month, Cinco de Nacho, is a holiday celebrating the glory and deliciousness of nachos. To properly celebrate Cinco de Nacho, 4+ trays of nachos with varieties of toppings loaded on top are needed along with lots of friends and/or family to celebrate with and fireworks to follow after the eating of the nachos. However, when circumstances dictate otherwise it has also become acceptable to celebrate Cinco de Nacho in a simpler fashion such as a simple run to Sheetz to get nachos by yourself.
Happy Cinco de Nacho!!
the action of cutting the burning tip of a blunt that is too tight and smoking it it from the oppositte side to make it hit better.
Yo his blunt was sooooo tight it wouldnt even hit, so we had to de-flip it to make it work
When you flip a tortilla and all the sauce spills out, so you have to de-flip
"Man, your tortilla is spilling. You have to de-flip it"
A combination of words that can get you to see pornography (hentai specifically) on youtube
Lil Timmy was typing random words into yt search. He was very traumatized when he came to hora de antojar.