If you are playing terrible golf, as of late, as in putting horribly or shanking your drive, hitting it in the rough, then you must be really playing bad golf. Add to that effect, you are deep in the trenches trying to get out. This may also apply to hitting the baseball (average is down) or jump shot is "bricking."
Yeh, my golf game has been in the dump...I'm like playing like Tiger Woods.
A dog playing the flute, a trick played on people to get them to look at interesting/weird things.
Oh hey look it’s a dog playing the flute.
No dude that is a dick.
A dog playing the flute is a commonly used trick on people to get them to look at an interesting image.
Hey dude look it’s a dog playing the flute.
No dude that is a dick.
a reference to Eminem's song "Stan" or being an obsessive fan of a celebrity.
Myles: "For real some people are too obsessed with Joseph Quinn."
Lucy: "Yeah at that point of doxxing him and finding his baby pictures is just playing stan"
A person or persons replicating the average Pennsylvania Department of Transportation worker’s behavior on the job by slacking off and pretending to be busy.
“John and his buddies got laid off cause they were caught Playing PennDOT”
the ultimate come bk there is nothin u can say that beats it not a word but o well
ur losing @ a game of lets say... checkers n ur m8s just took 2 of ur pieces this is the perfect opportunity 2 call him a trumpet playing scolop