A giga potato is the most powerful thing in the world! Don’t fuck with a giga potato. Trust me
Fuck me in the ass giga potato
Combination of cotching and being a couch potato. So ultimate slob mode. A little like the notorious 'Netflix and chill'.
Duuuuuude. I am such a cotch potato.
cotched, cotch, couch potato, chilled
The time-honoured practice of deliberately leaving something for a senior officer to find and criticise during his tour of inspection, which gives him a warm smug feeling and (hopefully) deflects his attention from corners that are better left unexamined. The senior officer, who of course was once a junior officer, knows the rules and plays along.
More generally, anything deliberately placed to deflect unwelcome interest.
"Chief, it's the Captain's inspection at eleven hundred hours. Is there anything he shouldn't see? Well, it's too late now, let's hope for the best. Make sure you leave an admiral's potato for him to find, and tip off whoever will get the bollocking for it."
a potato cabbage is a person who is attracted to a panda that enjoys growing crops. if he, the potato cabbage, was to fuck the panda he would be known as a sausage hustler. people across the globe are known for feeding pandas with a potato cabbage.
"aw yeah mate, i AM a potato cabbage, but man those pandas look sexy!"
When the penis goes soft during sex, but they keep trying.
My date was going great until he went all soft potatoes.
My husband got drunk last night and about 5 minutes into sex was just soft potatoes.
They are your best-friends.
They help you be your truest self in pieces that are as unique as you. The apparels are so comforting that they feel like a hug. They’ll never let you down. Every wash just makes the quality better. They are eco-friendly too. Once you hold their hands, you’ll never want to let them go.
The soft, supple hand feel that the luxury apparels offer makes them the best.
Friend: She has Purple Potato.
Let me get one too!
They are your best-friends. They help you be your truest self in pieces that are as unique as you. The apparels are so comforting that they feel like a hug. They’ll never let you down. Every wash just makes the quality better. They share the same values as you. They are eco-friendly too. Once you hold their hands, you’ll never want to let them go. The soft, supple hand feel that the luxury apparels offer make them the best.
Friend: She has Purple Potato. Let me get one too!