Yo betty over therr had eggs and sausage this morning smothered in boxer sauce
In reference to what's left from an old man's adam's apple. It is no longer a hard lump in the throat but a mush.
"Old man I'll karate chop in your adam's apple sauce!"
A woman's pussy cream when she gets off.
Hey Hopp remember when you got that pooty sauce all over your dick after that stripper rode you!
What you tell an autistic person when they say something that you agree with.
Autistic person “Ahehu I like Apples and Bananas”
You “Same sauce”
Action sauce: I get that we are both ready to go in our 20 year-old brains, but it’s super late, your drunk and unless you’re ready to produce action sauce, let’s table this until tomorrow.
Dude, I love you and stuffs, but it’s so late and you have to work in 4 hours. So let’s wait until you can actually produce some ‘action sauce’. My lady parts are done for today.
The art of cheating and giving someone answers to an assignment. Sauce master is one who has become sauce and gives peers answers to anything
Sauce master has once again given me answers to the test
that kid in elementary school that always had sauce on their face after lunch
"Hey do you want a napkin? You're having a little sauce kid moment, I can tell you had pizza dippers for lunch."