A 3rd person battle royal shooter that is played by lonley virgins.it can also cause break ups,divorces,and friend loss
Me:why don’t you have any friends?
Person:I play Fortnite
Me:oh understandable
A disease that commonly occurs in kids, Youtubers, Losers, and Snapchat users.
Symptoms include:
High levels of salt
excessive use of credit card
Uploading content about said disease
and finally death
The disease has no known cure as of yet.
doctor: sir your son has fortnite
Father: Holy Shit!
A Free online game that has more addictives than all the drugs together
Person 1: What’s fortnite?
Person 2: imma kill U
The worst fucking game on the internet with the cringiest community. Fucking kill it.
Cringey bitch : "Lol i got a victory royale on Fortnite, how epic, everybody cares and i'm definitely not a loser. Haha!
Cringey bitch 2 : Oh nice! I got 1002 wins. R3kt n000b!