harry styles and justin bieber. they’re both ugly gay losers with bad music.
Person 1: hey have you heard harry styles new album?
Person 2: No he’s a fag.
Person 3: yea he’s an ugly fag!
stream super freaky girl
A fag can mean two things:
1) a derogatory term used to describe homosexuals. Short for faggot.
2) a British/Irish term for cigarettes.
1) Jamie is a total fag
2) Lads, dya have any spare fags?
I’m going out for a fag
An inconsiderate or obnoxious person, usually driving a Harley.
A couple of fags just rode past me god damn there loud.
A cigarette in ireland, Everyone likes a good oul fag, The word is used by the people in east galway, west offaly, south roscommon and tipperary.
give me an oul fag there will ya
give me the lighter there so i can have a fag.
The fags have gone up in the shops.
a packet of fag .
how much a packket a fags.
1. An extremely annoying, inconsiderate person mostly commonly associated with Harley riders. 2. A person who owns or frequently rides a Harley.
This guys driving a Harly is a total fag.