Pop music is the marriage of repetitive beats and crappy lyrics. It usually takes little to no musical knowledge to write and produce a pop song. Pop music gets unnecessary hype a lot of the times. The people who listens to pop music are usually aged between 10-16 years old or retarded people with no musical knowledge.
1. Hey, quit playing that stupid pop music on your radio. Play this avenged sevenfold song instead, and once you’re done listening to them, you’ll be in love with the band and you may proceed to shove that Billie Eilish cd up someone’s anus.
2.OMGGGG, they are playing Nikki Minaj on the radio now, shut up so I can listen to her song. - a 12 year old girl with no brain cells telling her parents to shut up so she can listen to Nikki Minaj in the car
overused music that is played on the radio about 400,000 times in your parent's car, your bus driver car, and on your favorite radio most of the time. Sometimes they are even played in the wrong time like when your depressed while the radio is plays Ed Sheeran
Kid gets depressed inside the bus because he got bullied
Radio: now we are going to play pop music which would be Ed Sheeran Perfect even though its 3:00 PM!
Kid: Now I wanna kill myself
A type of popular contemporary music, just like jazz, folk, r&b, rock n roll, ect. Pop music is the traditional type of popular contemporary music. In fact it is popular in every culture, it is the most popular kind of music. The content is normally about stuff that you can't see, such as love.
Every child my age likes pop music the most.
A progressive rock subgenre dedicated to pointless rambling notes, typically on a guitar, but not in all cases. Major acts include Frank Zappa and the Mothers and Primus.
Apostrophe and Sailing the Seas of Cheese are my favorite fuck music albums.
Rag Music is the type of music that you listen to when out with your mates. It is often fasted paced music but sometimes it also can be moderately fast. Rag Music songs usually have certain lines that you and your mates can shout out really loud.
Max Allen - "Dr Selby turn on the Rag Music."
Dr Selby - "Yeah lad what do you want on? We've got the Raggable Monkeys or the Kaiser Rags."
When someone only listens to a small selection of music genres and has zero knowledge of music outside of their tiny bubble.
Person 1: Yo, listen to this Nirvana song.
Person 2: Why the hell is he screaming so loud? Is this what metal is? I can't listen to this garbage...
Person 1: Holy shit, how are you this musically sheltered???
If it exists, there's a song about it. No exceptions. If something doesn't satisfy this rule, there is rule 35 of music, which states that:
If there isn't a song about it yet, one will be made. No exceptions.
Jim: Why the fuck is there a song about some guy cutting his dick off?
Patrick: Rule 34 of music.