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Preppy people

A walking highlighter.

Person 1: look it’s preppy people!

by December 17, 2023

Sandwich people

Middle class people who are trapped between the upper and lower class citizens.

The sandwich people of Bangaldesh are just somehow surviving.

by zoxx June 26, 2022

people who love to thrust on other people


People who love to thrust on other people are extremely stupid

by thetorturedpoet May 4, 2024

people with penises

A self-explanatory term that is often used poorly by people who are trying to be progressive. People in this category include cisgender men, transgender women, and any nonbinary people with that specific anatomy. There are very few good uses for this categorization outside of specific medical classifications. Descriptions of the social behavior of people in this category tend to just focus on the behavior of men, and describing them in a way that includes transgender women is transphobic. This term is intended to be a more politically correct alternative to "male-bodied", but somehow manages to be just as bad of a description.

There is nothing wrong with using "men" or "cisgender men" or even "men and masculine people" as an alternative to this term so as to not needlessly include trans women.

"I'm sick of how people with penises treat me on dates."
"But you only date men. Don't you mean that you're sick of how men treat you on dates?"
"You're right, I'm sick of how men treat me on dates."

by ladydarkmoon December 19, 2022

2👍 1👎

2/10 people

if someone asks you to be 2/10 people it means they want to have hardcore sex with you, no socks.

hey man we should be 2/10 people”
“bro, without socks?”

by kaiandr September 6, 2021

bigger-set people

Same meaning as "heavy-set people", but instead of saying "heavy-set people", you say "bigger-set people". Similar to "plus-size people". Nice way of saying "fat people".

Juan: "Hey Rico, what's the difference between the term 'bigger-set people' and the term 'heavy-set people'"?

Rico: "Nothing Rico. They are synonymous. Much nicer than saying 'fat people'"!

by Goode spela December 30, 2011

Group featuring old people.

A group filled with teens who think they are older than they actually are.

They are also messed up in many more ways than one.

This Group featuring old people. is odd.

by That one weirdo November 26, 2019