when a worker is nudged out by a manager who can’t fire you but is making your job increasingly unpleasant and unrewarding, or slowly cutting your hours more and more
“Hey man, the boss cut me down to 2 shifts this month. He just cut me back to 3 shifts last month, and is constantly riding me while i’m at work. I’m getting quietly fired!”
It is the best way to STRIKE UP a wonderful rapport with FIRE ANTS.
I need to tell THE CHAINSMOKERS that a FIRE ANTS RIMJOB is a no fail NATURAL SEX ACT of forever attraction of these very intelligent creatures.
A really good looking bitch. But is a bit of a slag.
She will cheat on you.
She's a fire hoes!
The only computer repair place in this town except for geek squad (who would go there?! seriously..) that has online technical support. Plus, it's FREE!
dog-on-fire agent: Hi, welcome!
customer: hi.. I was wanting some repair work done..
dog-on-fire agent: great! I'm in the process of putting up an online calendar so you can tentativly schedule appointments. For now though just go ahead and describe the issues so we can figure out a solution.
customer: ...
A really epic server. I think yall should join the server
a way to say someone is doing great.
“Oh my gosh, name! You’re so gaslit fire!"
To be insanely amazing and awesome
“Yo bro have you seen that new movie” “ yeah bro that shits sick fire nasty “