the biggest clout chaser ,him and eddie were cool but then they were cursed by a cursed clout katana, idk thats what everyone says but he just some dude who everyone on anitwitter fucks wit
Comfy: ay you hear about bob
Dulce: yeah mayne hes a fucking clout god how wouldnt i know
Comfy: das true
Bunch of Boarders
The name for a group of seals which is a direct parallel to how snowboarders behave.
They lounge around in groups having a good time, often showing off their neat tricks like balancing a ball on their nose or doing a sick front side 180. Both have big paddles where their feet should be and are utterly useless on flat ground
"look at that BoB! they sure do look funny grouped up there."
Most commonly used name for literally anything - the neighbours fish? - called Bob. Your local stray cat? - yep, you guessed it, called Bob. Also the name of a very reliable TV builder.
Bob the builder, can he fix it?
Bob the builder, yes he can!
The guy you don't fuck with his daughter
Usually a cop
Guy 1 : yo last night I made lily suck my balls
Guy 2 : you realise she's a teen bro wtf ?!
Guy 1 : so what
Guy 2 : you're fucked she's Bob's daughter
Guy 1 : oh shit !
Bob is a lazy villager in the game franchise, Animal Crossing!
Resident rep: Bob is on my Island!
A child hood star who went and did drugs or the scary cable guy who looks at your moms ass when she gets him the great value lemonade also could be a Duncan danker has one daughter who went to college (teddy) one daughter who needs therapy(Charlie) one son who lives in his parents basement (PJ) and our least favorite the retarded ass hole (Gabe) also has a cranky wife who whines to much and tries to fit in sorry
Bob can be creepy