Another Cousin from the Commonwealth Secondary School is : 1. Nur Hidayu Qistina Binte old Father name (?)
Another Cousin from the Commonwealth Secondary School is : 1. Nur Hidayu Qistina Binte old Father name (?)
He’s a wild man who is great with knives ( if you see this it was me thales who made this)
My name is thales and I made this bacon from discord
Being a loser from loserville is a terrible feeling. If someone calls you a loser from loserville you should be nicer or get therapy.
Being called a loser from loserville is the worst insult in all of man kind
Person 1: your not as shrexy as me
Person 2: well are you a loser, cus ur a loser from loserville
Person 1: *rethinks all of life*
Is My mind & me from Selena Gomez or Instagram official account?
Is My mind & me from Selena Gomez or Instagram official account?
baran he funny and german. says "men" instead of "man" and it is very soothing to the ears. gains accent when he is angry but he sweetheart.
"bro baran from e8 such a sweetheart men."
Being a dick from a distance, is what Zooming into a meeting gives you. Basically being able to say things to your co-workers that you would never say to their face.
Dude, did Jim just call me that? Seriously?
Nah, that douche is on Pacific time, he's just being a dick from a distance.
He is an guy that can speak well infront of crowds and crys alot, he also likes spending time with his family
Aarabian from the planet rav