Trying to make somebody feel 9 feet tall and invincible, or at least thinking you've made them feel that way.
The guy knew that the teacher's spy/teacher's pet was trying to play up to him even though the teacher's pet was not his pet or darling, so really it wasnt a good job of playing up, but he/she still thought that he/she was playing up to him and that he was going for it or falling for it for some reason. He also knew the teacher's pet well, so he didnt have to measure anything, since people dont change. Just like the walls on a building can warp and the measurements of the wall can change some, but the building is the same overall building it always was since it was built, even if their are additions, renovations, or parts missing, the overall building is the same building until it collapses or gets demolished, people also can seem different, seem to change form, but really they're the same overall people they were as kids. If they were a poser as a kid, they're still posing as something different all the time, appearing to change. People who think that everything needs to be measured to know anything about it, or to know it well are missing the point.
Pretending to be asleep so your partner doesn't try to have sex with you.
I'm always playing possum when my wife comes to bed so she leaves me alone.
Smoke marijuana; often said by kids trying to hide that they're smoking weed.
That kid: 'Let's skip to my ride - wanna hit the high score playing multiblazer?'
The other kid: 'You know I'm the pinball wizard. Hand me the flipper'
'I remember when we use to have spliff screen instead of needing a bong-line hookah to play multiblazer'
To play a Christmas song.
Please Play Thank the Lord.
The acronym NSA play means “no strings attached.” As in, I'm not looking for a girlfriend, boyfriend, or serious commitment. I just want to have fun. People who are looking for no-strings-attached dates want a casual sexual encounter without making any promises about the future.
(Not to be confused w an nhl power play):
Especially in Jamaica, a situation where you have access to all 3 components of pwr
Pwr becomes pwr play when you have unlimited access to pussy, weed and rum.
The act of blowing up balloons with nitrous, and inhaling them while on psychedelics to enhance visuals. The key to playing clown is replicating the sound of a balloon being blown up by a clown at a party, or by a wook at a music festival.
Bro 1: Did you hear those balloons being filled up at our neighbors campsite until 4:30 am last night?
Bro 2: Sounds like they were playing clown.