bad dog! person screamed at the little beagle pup that shat all over the new carpet.
When a guy invites a woman over for sex but then proceeds to pursue pointless projects around his house all night instead.
I shaved my legs for that bad dog and he just ignored me and fell asleep.
An adjective used to describe something that is viscious, extreme, and overall badass.
This fire is blazing like a bad dog.
Did you hear Billy fucked Suzie like a bad dog?
When she's angry she yells like a bad dog.
One common synonym would be bad boy but bad dog is better.
The first piece of information that captured my attention was when he explained how people who came back from war were doing heroin, around 95% of them stopped. I was surprised by this because I had always thought of heroin being one of the most addictive substances ever. Yet I am still aware of how addictive it is. I always heard if you ever try heroin that will be the last decision you ever make. However I was unaware of how many factors added to someone actually getting hooked on the drug. I think it's a good idea to promote the last decision quote. The soldiers who did not become addicted were happy and fulfilled compared to the others. The next piece of information that I want to highlight is how I think he did a good job
The first piece of information that captured my attention was when he explained how people who came back from war were doing heroin, around 95% of them stopped. I was surprised by this because I had always thought of heroin being one of the most addictive substances ever. Yet I am still aware of how addictive it is. I always heard if you ever try heroin that will be the last decision you ever make. However I was unaware of how many factors added to someone actually getting hooked on the drug. I think it's a good idea to promote the last decision quote. The soldiers who did not become addicted were happy and fulfilled compared to the others. The next piece of information that I want to highlight is how I think he did a good job bad gal.
Emily is a bad ass lawyer who focuses on facts, not fuckery.