It's a college where Bajpai acts as the big cockblocker sitting over it. Mighty cock you have Bajpai! And random ass tattoo professors and it is NERF 2 yes the NERF rankings where the colleges you get in get you nerfed.
Shi- you got into Anal U D, reconsider, no future ah college.
Fugu means a blowfish in Japanese. Blow fish makes its body bigger when they are threaten, and their intestine is poisonous it could kill a cow with a small drop or its juice. Small Asian could say "fug u" instead of "fuck you."
why is this guy bothering me?
He is Asian and saying to you fug u instead of fuck you.
If u call 1-800-LUDWIG he will make sure u can get u a little sister. Hes Organization is free just make sure ur mother is in the house and cover ur ear its going to be wild after that he will abonden u due child support evasion and wait 9 months and viola :)) bonus in this service is ur mother will get stds
ah man sucks to be u that u dont have a sister. Oh wait U WANT A SISTER? U WANT IT? U CAN HAVE IT MY FRIEND.
Good one! Makes the oponent wonder what he/she/it/that has missed. ;)
ur mom gay
ur granny tranny
ur das lesbian
the first and hopefully the last person to write the letter 'w' out is meme talker.
double u is when you type the letter 'w' out.
"the letter after v is double u"
weird ik
21st Century Humo(u)r is the title of an era of comedy, commonly consisting of random sound effects such as the "reverb fart" and "deez nuts". Those born during Generation Z will find this level of humo(u)r highly laughable.
Example of 21st Century Humo(u)r:
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