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American school

An american school, aka a shooting range, is where hillbillies go to test there aim.

"hey dude, do you want to go practice our aim with my new m16 i bought at target?"

"Ok, i will meet you at the shooting range... Wait nvm, we will meet at the american school."

by Oven whaleson November 7, 2021

american schools

a school but in america

quiet kid: hi
homie:you ugly foo get rid of ya yeeyee ass haircut
quiet kid: bouta become a new american schools

homie: tf that mean?
quiet kid: time for the firing range

by mexicanfoxnigga March 3, 2021

Entitled American

A person who lives in North America but lives in "Merica," and lives in "the best country in the world," without ever traveling outside of "Merica."

"Jeff loves tacos. He's 30 minutes from the border! He's never been to Mexico even though he eats taco's every day of his life. He's such a fucking Entitled American."

"Bob keeps acting like he's been everywhere. He's been to every state 15 times or more. He must be fucking scared of culture shock."

by Kelovexoz May 12, 2020

american history x

a class to teach kids, who think they are badasses, that they are in fact not badass.

"man john is such a fuckboi i hope they stick his ass in american history x for first period this semester"

by Raoulduke69 January 18, 2024

African't American

a Black person of African American that acts like a sterotypical white person

Tywan:Hey wheres Deandre

Sanita: He out hiking with his new frinds Jacob and Keith

Tywan:What! hes turning into a real African't American

Sanita:Not only that he ask me to just call him Andre now

by Gentleneal July 2, 2011

North American Spotted Tailess Rat

Otherwise Known as Jake Kuhse. He's short has a spot on the back of his head and is dangerous if with other rats/squirrels. If seen please contact the Cross Country Team.

A North American Spotted Tailess rat is short, furry, spotted and dangerous, be careful.

by zachzach August 30, 2006

American Lawn mower

: when a dad over the age of 30 beats his meat to his freshly mowed lawn

Hey son wanna mow the lawn so we can jerk off to it. American Lawn mower

by Wolvesgottalong September 10, 2021