My bad was originally My "bag". As in the phrase; "oops, my bag, cuz". Me and my brothers would say it all the time in the 80's when it became popular. But, for all the fucked-up retards who changed it and still say My bad...........FUCK YOU, RETARDS!!!!!
"Oops, my bag cuz" (not my bad)
When you messed up so terribly and you don't want to do anything about it
"Why did you cheat on me with your sister?" "My bad. Didn't know we were exclusive."
used to acknowledge responsibility for a mistake. (Also a phrase my math teacher banned my class from saying)
"Sorry about the confusion. It's my bad"
What u say when you have wronged a fellow man or made a life mistake and have been caught in the act. This phrase can be used both sarcastically and not, this is determined by your tone of voice that u say it in.
Dalton: "u silly goose, u touched that 230 again"
Matty Batty: "my bad, my bad"
A confessional. In Catholicism, it’s required to confess your sins to a priest inside a fully enclosed booth. This is part of the sacrament of reconciliation, and must be done in order to be in good standing with the church. Sins can be major like killing someone to something minor such as masturbating or smoking weed. Either way, they both must be confessed the same.
John: I had the craziest night last night, hotboxed it with Julia before she gave me head for 30 minutes.
Paul: Thats dope bro. Gonna go to the bad boy booth this Sunday?
John: Of course, I kinda have to.
A confessional. In Catholicism, it’s required to confess your sins to a priest inside a fully enclosed booth. This is part of the sacrament of reconciliation, and must be done in order to be in good standing with the church. Sins can be major like killing someone to something minor such as masturbating or smoking weed. Either way, they both must be confessed the same.
John: I had the craziest night last night, hotboxed it with Julia before she gave me head for 30 minutes.
Paul: Thats dope bro. Gonna go to the bad boy booth this Sunday?
John: Of course, I kinda have to.