Source Code

Bum ole

It’s a flirty way of calling someone something

Man: Ligma

Girl: Shup you bum ole

by HUNDESUNDEHUNDESUNDE man January 18, 2023

Bum ole

A word Callum’s say to look cool

Oi Molly your bum ole!

by 🥱✊ April 28, 2020

Bum Crease

Bum Crease is used to describe someone who usually smells Like shit or just really musty in general.

Bro, this guy Daniel fam, he smells like Bum Crease

by Candicesugondese May 1, 2021

Bum Coat

The warmth you feel after drinking liquor.

“It sure is cold out here.”

“Yeah, I had a couple shot a bit ago. I’ve got my bum coat keeping me warm!”

by KingOfKings1720 August 19, 2022

judah bum bum

other word for being happy and doing weed

-whats up bro
-u up for some judah bum bum

by bonkbigdong May 31, 2023

James Bum

The bum version of James Bond.

You’re so ratchet and ghetto, you James Bum!

by LingDanc803 January 10, 2023

Big Batty Bum Bum

Big batty bum bum ---> someone who has a large BATTY

"look over there, its louis, he has a BIG BATTY BUM BUM!"

by diamonz2 November 25, 2021