Egg Goo, is the white of the egg, when it’s not fully cooked , it may resemble sperm.
Egg Goo is ejected sperm that strings from the eye of the penis.
He came , then when he wiped his dick, All this Egg Goo , was hanging off it .like spit !
The quintessential, penultimate atrocious status achieved by only one person and one person only. Only true herpes filled and aids infested hair could look like such a monstrosity. (ohh and crabs)
Can you believe that kid coming into school with that scrambled egg hair? I swear I could almost hear the crabs pinching their claws!
egg shyyt sneeze When some one sneezes and it sounds like they said, "egg-shyyt" instead of ah-choo…
egg shyyt sneeze Ah, ah ah ...Egg-Shyyt!! ...
A series of emojis used by Syko to screw with the cookie he loves the most.
“What does cowboy egg lipstick mean?”... you tell me what you think it is. ;) <3
Grilled jalapenos stuffed with cream cheese and cheddar, wrapped in bacon or sausage to resemble an egg. There are no actual eggs involved.
I am not quite done yet eating these armadillo eggs.
When you fit more than 50 raw natural eggs in a woman’s, she will get busted ! Anything more than that will cause a boom.
your babe just got egg busted by me last night!
When a man is getting busy with a woman using soy sauce as lube, and using an egg roll as the member.
I gave her the ol’ dirty egg roll.