A popular game that 12 year olds play and dont SHUT UP about
This game fortnite is dumb
Hey do you want to play fortnite?
No I want to live
Don't do drugs, do Fortnite
Person 1: Fortnite is cancer
Person 2: ur mom gay and fortnite all nite xdddd
game that is played by mostly virgins and white bois. pubg is a lot better. fortnite players are getting shit on by pubg players.
"u wanna play some fortnite?"
"no you white boi fortnite is gay pubg is for rich nigga's"
a game where 7-12-year-old virgin nerd heads play by building forts and post their wins on Snapchat(also make parodies).
Jimmy: FORTNITE, FORTNITE, what's the point of building forts if you are NITE NITE.x2