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A popular game that 12 year olds play and dont SHUT UP about

This game fortnite is dumb

by Cat cats March 28, 2019


a game which niggers play

Hey who is that playing fortnite? Oh it's just a nigger.

by Baring bot bop March 1, 2019


Fucking cancer

Hey do you want to play fortnite?
No I want to live

by Lazarbeamjwndbdhdhjwwdhd October 17, 2020


Don't do drugs, do Fortnite

Person 1: Fortnite is cancer
Person 2: ur mom gay and fortnite all nite xdddd

by Дми́трий March 27, 2018


game that is played by mostly virgins and white bois. pubg is a lot better. fortnite players are getting shit on by pubg players.

"u wanna play some fortnite?"
"no you white boi fortnite is gay pubg is for rich nigga's"

by PussyDestroyerAnalFortniteGod April 16, 2018


a completely bland and tasteless turd

fortnite is shit

by sondonsen June 14, 2018


a game where 7-12-year-old virgin nerd heads play by building forts and post their wins on Snapchat(also make parodies).

Jimmy: FORTNITE, FORTNITE, what's the point of building forts if you are NITE NITE.x2

by KvngAAron October 9, 2018