Why people wait for thanksgiving
I can’t wait for the chicken with banana sauce
When your name is Jared and you proceed to engage in sexual intercourse with a member of the melon family such as a Canteloupe or Honeydew. A hole is drilled in the rind of the melon and it is heated in the microwave to the appropriate temperature. Then the mushed up guts and semen is poured into a cup and consumed.
My hinge date from last night, Jared made me some amazing melon sauce margs last night.
A sauce that was served with the grimace shake meal in the summer of 2023 at specific McDonalds locations. It was purple and had a taste similar to the szechuan sauce and was slightly spicy.
That rizzy sauce was so good
Q: "What is your name and your pronouns?"
A: "Sriracha Sauce"
When a person drinks too much alcohol or smokes too much weed and can not stand on their own.
One who is down for the count as they say.
Get Jerome out of the bar man, he’s dirt sauce slumped!
defined sound Woosteh Shia Saus in British, it is the most Hard to pronounce world, but is after Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis in Pronounciaction. mistaken for Pronounciations like Worechestershiya Sauce.
Child:"Hey Dad,Lets get Werche- Wor- Wercheste- Wer- Werchestershire? yeah. Werchestershire Sauce."