When you get swarmed by a whole bunch of noobs in a FPS (first person shooter)and die
The fag rush tore killed two of teammates. Luckily I was able to distance myself and pick off the noobs.
"Aww nuts i just got fag rushed!"
A homosexual exposed to a large dose of radiation, Causing them to become exponentially more homosexual in nature.
Wow! Have you heard how Mathew might be a nuclear fag?
Someone that plays World of Warcraft, on the server Firetree.
Player1: "Hay, u play World of Warcraft?"
Player2: "Yeah, i play on the server Firetree"
Player1: "OMG your a Firetree fag!?"
Sodomy literature produced by AI algorithms.
Mike loves to get fag erotica from his faggy Artificial Intelligence.
Gay Fag refers to a person known as "Noah"
Man, that guy, Noah, sure is a gay fag.
Someone that's been involved with a group or moment from the dawn of time (internet)
Robs dad is such an Ancient Fag, he has been talking about this since before 4Chan existed!
(verb): the act of being extremely annoyingly stupid and silly at the same time. often done by small blondes with a broken shoulder and no bitches
“damn that man is loganing-fag, i fucking hate that bitch ass hoe”