named for the Delaware grape cultivar from which its flavor is derived. The grape was first grown in Delaware County, Ohio, and the drink therefore has no affiliation with the state of Delaware.
Delaware Punch was created by Thomas E. Lyons in 1913. The brand is currently owned by The Coca-Cola Company, but has been discontinued.
For one to punch their own butt, believing it's more effective than doing squats.
"If you want to get that cake, simply punching butt with a closed fist instead of doing squats"
The act of being monkey dick punched.
When you are a boy in 7th grade, your friend will come up to you and exclaim “monkey dick punch” and then proceed to monkey dick punch you.
Slang expression for "punch my stomache".
Yo',punch my gut!
When people in Kentucky don’t respond to my emails, texts, or phone calls they get an extra special dick punch
They won’t respond to my work requests so they are all in line for a Kentucky Dick Punch!!
1 part vodka, 1 part Hawaiian punch, 1 part mountain dew
I had a big cup of trailer park punch when I realized this guy's got it all figured out, dang Seve Wilkos is the shit!
Similar to the Chocolate Shank but the punch is an upper cut to the anus.
John was about to shit on my foot so I gave him a chocolate punch.