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a whole hoe ass ...

oh fuck you have to deal with an Alex

by tehesorrytodisappoint November 4, 2019


A guy who fucks girls

Alex fucked angel

by Agmajgagmaj December 3, 2019


A jello walrus who does nothing but complains about his siblings and cant attack in Assassins Creed Orgins

Dude shut up. You're being such a Alex

by I will make you disappear. November 4, 2019


Alex is the type of person to listen to songs such as pop music... Ariana Grande Etc
He loves his songs and wants to meet his favourite Artists so Bad!! He spends His time On loads of stuff like Going on the computer!

Alex loves ariana grande

by jdjdbshdjdihxxx September 10, 2020


The 11 yr old kid who makes edm with an fl studio demo and uses harmor
is in the lyric community server, hates himself and everyone hates him.

Ex : Oh yeah i did my lyric showcase yesterday how do you think it was?
Reb : It's goody gud uwu
Alex : oh hi guys
Reb : Aight imma head out :MonkaS:
Ex: oh
Ex: hi alex
Ex: how are you
alex: bad like always..
Ex leaved the server.

by alex lml January 12, 2020


He sucks at roblox and says he's a god even though he really bad

Alex:"i'm a god"
anyone with a brain cell:"i'm pretty sure your not"

by Thirsty B0i April 27, 2020


anyone named alex is bad at roblox

alex is bad

by Thirsty B0i April 28, 2020