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My dog Floyd.

He’s eaten rat poison, chocolate and shapes and still been fine.

I would put a photo but it won’t let me.

Floyd is cracked

by LynObie March 9, 2023


Your good at something

Noob- “bro your so cracked at fortnitePro- “I know and your literal dog water

by Cracked_UhH January 26, 2021


Your so good at something that you are basically a pro at it; you are cracked.

I just won this round on Call of Duty! Bro Im so cracked
No ur trash

by thequickthinker2020 February 26, 2020


Just killed a henchmen standing still.

Just killed a henchmen standing still, definition of cracked.

by dan.rafter May 13, 2020


a person wich is simply to op at a video game more spesificly fortnite and also meaning overpowered

Dude I am so flipin cracked at this game!

by Archie the OP December 21, 2019


To be completely insane or out of your mind while playing Fortnite

I just 1v2ed Clix and Tfue, I’m completely cracked

by SwiftFn July 14, 2019


Someone who isn’t all there in the head

That girl from the other night is so cracked.

by Cracked101 February 22, 2022