A game that was good when it first started in 2017 but then grew worse when kids stole their mums credit cards and bought vbucks. If vbucks were the main currency then they would be millionaires. If you still play fortnite, you should be classified as a terrorist.
Police I've spotted a terrorist, he plays fortnite
“mummy can I have v-bucks for fortnite?”
“no Timmy you may not have any v-bucks”
*smashing of console intensifies”
A faggot ass game that little kids and virgins don't stop talking about. Kids and virgin teens usually steal their moms credit card for useless items in the game which they think will make them look cooler. Also usually played by your local school shooter kid.
I'm gonna bring my gun to school tomorrow and get a #VictoryRoyale!
Look at that faggot, he plays Fortnite!
A trash game that a 3 year old kid will love.
Kid 1: do you play fortnite?
Kid 2: eww no Minecraft is better!
Fortnite is a bitch game about zombies and killing each other, it’s boring, play Minecraft, it’s about building, surviving, killing monsters with your friends. Fortnite copyrights dancing and shit from other game, I mean haven’t you noticed the revive card was stolen from Apex Legends where you get someone’s banner card or something then bring it to a revive thing? (I forgot what it was called but I think you get it by now)
Guy #1: I hate fortnite, what other game should I play?
Guy #2: Minecraft
Guy #1: I thought it was dead
Guy #3: they added foxes and raiders
Guy #1: *runs faster than you can say supercalifragalisticespialodotious*
a game pubg players hate on only because they cant accept the fact that pubg is dying and fortnite is taking over
Fortnite player: hey you want to play fortnite
pubg player: no thanks i am not gay
Fortnite player: then why do you play pubg