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Earl Warren Middle School

A crap bucket middle school for people with no money. The middle school kids that go are in 7-8 grade when they should be in high school. Earl Warren is way way way getto and is a one of the oldest dumps in san diego.

Earl Warren Middle School sucks since it is really old.

by goo ratoomska February 12, 2009

34πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž

Athena Middle School

The best of the best high school ran by an african.

Athena middle School is the best of the best.

by anonymousman6900 August 15, 2011

2πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Old quarry middle school

A school where kids are rich, or polish and if you're not your the small percent of kids who supply drugs to the hoes in the bathrooms, the teachers give the kids tons if homework and test every other day. The food sucks and undercooked but you still eat it anyway

Person 1: where do you go to school
Person 2: Old quarry middle school
Person: RIP

by A real alive person April 24, 2019

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

west lake middle school

this school is so shitty, literally horrible. so many guys are fuck boys and get treated like a god for it but girls just get slut shamed. people are constantly talking shit, the kids and teachers will literally make you want to kill your self, the teachers are usually horrible and make you believe that if you aren't a straight A student you won't have a good future which completely isn't true. everyone there is a stoner, goodie goody, emo, a "slut", or a fuck boy. anyways enjoy three years of hell at westlake

friend "yo what school u go to"
me "fucking west lake middle school

friend "damn thats beat

by yourmomsgayyy October 3, 2018

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Dean rusk middle school

This school is where you will find explorers exploring it because it is litteraly hell on earth it is the closest thing saitanist can get to hell. There are also so much fucking thots and assholes and fucking dickheads go to this school. You could conjure Lucifer himself here. You get special attention if you have even the smallest disability and if you can even have the will to live after that you have the teachers that get on your ass about everything, you tap on someone’s big oss you say the word retarded iss you say autistic oss

Kids get in a conversation β€œoh have you heard of dean rusk middle school”

*other kid runs away like his getting chased by the devil himself*

by Holocaustwasaliehahahah March 16, 2019

15πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Jack Hille Middle school

school is full of sluts and fake people this school is terrible it has so much garbage kids in 6th grade. 6TH GRADERS THERE ARE SOOOOO STUCK UP AND THEY ARE ALL TRY HARDS

Person:hey you go to jack hille middle school

Child:yea its trash

by YourarmchairstankXD October 22, 2018

4πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

shove piggy-in-the-middle shove

impractical and thus rather unpopular version of the renowned parlour game shove piggy shove.
requires three players: two to play shove piggy shove as normal, and one to stand in the middle flailing their arms and shrieking in an attempt to intercept the ball.
the reason this game is unpopular is because it relies more heavily upon luck than skill, and we all know that shove piggy shove should be a game of skill.

"anyone fancy a couple of rounds of shove piggy-in-the-middle shove?"

by Chairwoman Mao Mao February 8, 2004

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