A grup of 2 muss very cul pr0 Manush (hooman)
A very high social status one could have.
Best bojolz kransers ever
Zubair Sarookh 2 muss pr0
Sussy Baka 69 420
My! It’s the Manush Gang!”
A grup of 2 muss cul and pr0 Manush (hooman)
Bhery highh social status
One of the best Bojolz karansing grup with bensils.
Sussy baka’s 69 and 420s
Zubair sarookh 2 muss pr0
“He’s part of Manush Gang! One of the OG’s”
“Holy Shiii! He’s a part of kransing bojolz!”
“Krans my bojolz!”
Two people that are extremely happy together. They do things differently from most couples yet seem to function better than other’s
Those two are honestly the Glitter Gang
A small collection (say, 4-6) of elite gangsters
“Yo bro me and the Bagoonk Gang gonna do a drive-by later”
The Python gang is a gang from the hague known for their creativity. They specialize in music, art, organising partys but also in themes like law and medicin. They grow and grow really fast, but the real akkaboez is growing the most fast.
OMG! Are you a member of the Python Gang!