A word that Americans use to describe people living in The United Kingdom when they want to sound smart.
American: "Oh cool, so you're British American."
British Person: "smh, you're taking a piss bruv."
The Native American Pawner Challenge (N.A.P. Challenge) is when a Young Adult 18-24 (Must be Unemployed) pawns their most prized possession (Jewelry or item with a value of $200+) and spends all of the money on Marijuana, having only 24 Hours to smoke all of the weed (Can only use a Ceremonial/Peace pipe) and gather enough money to buy the Pawned item back. The Challenge ends when the item is in the player’s hand, and the time is marked.
Rules include:
- No borrowing money to repay the Pawn Shop
- After 24 hours, the item shall not be bought back
- If the Pawn Shop is closed for any particular reason, and you are not able to grab your item, the challenge is lost.
- Must be high for the entire 24/25 Hours
- Must choose one person to get high with (Wing Man), and one person to help you get to where you need to go during the challenge (Chauffeur).
-If the player smokes with an authentic peace pipe (Peace Journey) and/or get’s their dog/cat high and brings them along for the journey (Loyal Companion Journey), they will gain a 60 minute extension to the Challenge.
If the player completes the challenge authentically, They will be given a medal (chosen and bought by the Wingman and Chauffeur) and a picture of the crew (may be taken after or before the challenge is complete).
If the Player completes the challenge, after Completing the Peace Journey OR The Loyal Companion Journey, their peace pipe will be decorated, or their pet of choosing will gain a metal.
After Kennith (WingMan) and Trevor (Chauffeur) helped me pick up Phoenix (Cat) from my home, I was glad to know that I had an extra 60 minutes to complete the NATIVE AMERICAN PAWNER CHALLENGE and get back to the pawn shop after I make my money.
My cat handled his weed better than the Wingman.
A act of going to Vietnam to burn down a jungle take the ashes left over from the burning. Then bringing it back to the continental US to grind down and make bricks to then sell back to the country. Other countries have been used in the misty burning and devastated countries.
Holy shit Jared there are billions of dollars worth of American Bricks in this warehouse. Yes I know Jim we have a new shipment going to Iran next month.
another word for ballsack
when you fuck her in the ass and she shits on your dick and you take it out and fuck her pussy and add the seed
me and my wife went American farming last night
An individual with a social status that makes others feel inferior.
With a North American Faggot like that around I will never get that promotion.
"My grandmother recently came out as trans-American. She moved here from China."
"Julio Iglesias, I support you for coming out as trans-American, but why did you have to do it illegaly?"