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wanna play smth?

wanna play smth is another way to asking someone to play

Person 1: wanna play smth?

by Le Maxie Pizza Men July 31, 2022

play dj hero

Female masturbation

I know she play DJ hero she's lonely.

by Empirethedon February 16, 2017

play on's

Songs that bring lyricism to a new level, making clever jokes about everyday uses

"World cup flow, i can't kick it witchya" -jay steez clever use of words that obtain a deeper meaning. "Ayo throw in some play on's on this verse make it hot"

by TooTalentd July 21, 2017

Paper Play

A sexual act involving paper or cardboard.

Male 1: Last night she did some "paper play", my shit doesn't feel the same no more.

by OiledUpFentHead August 20, 2024

Playing favorites

The way of how favoritism works, in the most unfair way.

Guy 1: Look at that bastard! Playing favorites rather than us!
Guy 3: I agree! One day, he will finally taste his own medicine that he used on us!
Guy 2: Hello! Welcome to the gamers 'n jocks party. No nerds are allowed in here! Okay?!
Everyone in the party: Yes! We are far superior than them!
One day later....
All of the parents of each gamer and jock in the party: I finally caught all of you double-crossing bastards!!!!!!
Everyone in the party including Guy 2 & 4: OH SHIT!!!!!!!!!
Guy 1 & 3: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Karma will get you! February 15, 2022

Play Pacman

Supermarket shopping in the current climate.

I'm off to Play Pacman. I need to get some toilet rolls.

by Steel de-Fence March 27, 2020

scum play

A act towards another person which normally involves dirty moves and un-gentlemanly acts to make one seem more manly and a better person although surrounders understand they are complete twats and deserve loss of friends and respect

A: did you see that fight?
B: Yeah he was out of order using that much scum play

A: I know how could he kick him in the balls, throw sand in his eyes and then proceed to teabag his opponent

by hentai is weeb shit February 21, 2016