wanna play smth is another way to asking someone to play
Person 1: wanna play smth?
Songs that bring lyricism to a new level, making clever jokes about everyday uses
"World cup flow, i can't kick it witchya" -jay steez clever use of words that obtain a deeper meaning. "Ayo throw in some play on's on this verse make it hot"
A sexual act involving paper or cardboard.
Male 1: Last night she did some "paper play", my shit doesn't feel the same no more.
The way of how favoritism works, in the most unfair way.
Guy 1: Look at that bastard! Playing favorites rather than us!
Guy 3: I agree! One day, he will finally taste his own medicine that he used on us!
Guy 2: Hello! Welcome to the gamers 'n jocks party. No nerds are allowed in here! Okay?!
Everyone in the party: Yes! We are far superior than them!
One day later....
All of the parents of each gamer and jock in the party: I finally caught all of you double-crossing bastards!!!!!!
Everyone in the party including Guy 2 & 4: OH SHIT!!!!!!!!!
Guy 1 & 3: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!
Supermarket shopping in the current climate.
I'm off to Play Pacman. I need to get some toilet rolls.
A act towards another person which normally involves dirty moves and un-gentlemanly acts to make one seem more manly and a better person although surrounders understand they are complete twats and deserve loss of friends and respect
A: did you see that fight?
B: Yeah he was out of order using that much scum play
A: I know how could he kick him in the balls, throw sand in his eyes and then proceed to teabag his opponent