When your walking the streets at 11:30 with the boys and someone in the woods throws rocks at you
Did you just throw rocks at me? *everyone says no* OH FUCK, RUN!
A lovely "will you marry me?" jeweled band dat makes da proposed-to chick gasp and exclaim in surprise when it's presented to her.
Beautiful precious-stone-fitted finger-adornments aside, a simple rubber sealing-hoop for a piece of machinery might also qualify as an "oh-ring" if da owner of said device wasn't expecting you to supply said vital repair-part at a certain time.
an endearing term used when someone (often times a significant other) just exists and does something you find enjoyable to witness
s/o: looking good as fuck
you: oh you <3
suck my oh lauren is gay amazing
you: hiii xDDDDD
me: heyyyy qurl. SUCK MY OH :3
you: suck my oh???
me: Lauren Is Gay Amazing :)
*someone falls off a cliff*
me: uh oh spaghetti oh
oh bruh bruh bruh don't even think about going to this definition ever again
Unvoiced for Oh my God.
The /g/ sound is the the voiced cognate of the unvoiced /k/, and the /d/ sound is the voiced cognate of the unvoiced /t/, thus, articulator placement during production cat is identical to the production of the word god. God backwards may be dog, but God unvoiced is cat.
Oh my cat, what a cute houseplant.