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Lego Star Wars 2

One of the crappiest, glitchiest, most horrible games ever made. Especially the DS port. It's time to break out the champagne and celebrate if you can actually get this horrible piece of crap game to function and not glitch out for two seconds.

Dude 1: Dude! I totally got Lego Star Wars 2!

Dude 2: For the DS?

Dude 1: Yep!

Dude 2: *epic facepalm*

by r1swimmer March 9, 2011

War through weakness

The exact opposite of peace through strength

Giving putin Crimea in 2014 and then not doing anything about the 2022 invasion of ukraine is war through weakness.

by Sexydimma April 11, 2022

War through weakness

The exact opposite of peace through strength

On foreign policy, Obama, through the 2022 invasion of Ukraine, accidentally discovered war through weakness when dealing with Putin.

by Sexydimma April 11, 2022

War through weakness

The exact opposite of peace through strength

Biden accidentally discovered war through weakness while dealing with Vladimir Putin.

by Sexydimma April 26, 2022

Schools of War

A best selling book series about schools going to war and it almost destroys earth

Schools of War is like my dick, short and simple

by Xx_ChrisPrattFanGirl_xX October 14, 2019

World War C

Almost every nation in the World’s battle to defeat and vanquish Covid-19.

In World War C , the United States is leading the way in Word War C to develop vaccines and medicines to combat Covid-19 world wide.

by GreenHillGuy April 22, 2020

World War C

The flight between nations and COVID-19.

World War C brings the best out of people!

by Yobberson May 20, 2020