to have extremely high energy and supreme focus making a person insane at anything
“How many points does josh have this game?”
“60 he’s fucking cracked”
Two extremes: Either doing something really good or really bad
Frank: I would get with Vena again
Bobby: You’re cracked
Frank: Why, she’s hot
Cracked is frequently used in online gaming to convey that a individual is substantially good at the game. For instance, when a person wipes out an whole enemy team, the person can be referred as "Cracked"
Holy Shit he´s cracked
He headshotted the whole team yo
An amazing player doing something crazy
adj: (but never used on people) demented, retarded or retargerous, depending on the context
yo, what's this cracked idea of yours going to involve
referring to a person who is exceptionally good at one thing in particular.
"he's cracked at Fortnite, my guy".
The meaning of being insane, or crazy.
Player 1: *Wipes 2 whole duos* Player 2: yooo, this kid is cracked!