The act of doing something so horrible, monstrous, and generally bad, that you are doomed to stub your toe and whenever it heals, stub it again.
Jon: I just poured milk before cereal, then put ice cubes in it.
John: you monster. I hereby doom you to stub your toe-
Jon: That's not so bad.
John:-And whenever it heals, immediately stub it again.
The expression "carrying ice to the Arctic" is a metaphor that implies doing something unnecessary or redundant, much like trying to bring ice to a place where it is already abundant. It suggests that an action is pointless because the resources or elements involved are already present in excess. This phrase can be used to criticize efforts that are perceived as futile or to highlight inefficiency in a task.
My uncle Bob is always carrying ice to the artic.
When you have a large Diamond on either index finger
You just have a rich husband based on that index ice you have
A rather large diamond worn on the index finger of either hand
You’re man must be loaded to put that index ice on your finger
When you’re asked about how your day was and you had a bad one but the person who is asking had an objectively worse day than you did.
Firefighter: we lost every child to the fire at the orphanage. Anyway, how was your day?
Me, working at a party service: We ran out of balloons and the customer got really angry.
It was a bit of a hard day at the ice cream factory.
when an individual is in trouble, mad about something, oh in shock, a common phrase many say is “Mother Fucker On Ice”
“AHH !! Mother Fucker On Ice !! I forgot to take a shit today !”