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bob is a person


by bob joe binod February 23, 2022


Aka GT. (Gay Twin)

An identical twin that likes to do butt stuff. Especially pluggin

“Hey Kayla, can you stuff these drugs up my butt?”

Hey Bob, You’re such a gt. Why can’t you be cool like your brother

by KillahKelly September 2, 2019


A person named bob is obsessed with unicorns and hates little kids with passion. They say random things to make others laugh.

Bob: Um, FrOgS aRmS

Everyone: lol

by ChubbyNuggets December 26, 2022


short fat man

my name is bob i get no bitches

by kittyswrld February 12, 2023


bob is a sponge
sponge is a bob
spongebob is a sponge

hi im bob a goldfish
a goldfish has a memory of hi im bob a goldfish

pigs are cute :D

bob is a sponge

by oudshwnbodihbvna September 12, 2018


Calling your significant other “bob” is to let them know they have a “big ‘ol booty”

“Hey babe, you got a bob!”
Your bob makes me melt!!”

by s.u.g.a.r.d.a.d.d.y June 4, 2022


A person that is way to nice

You’re such a Bob

by Tiny’s Wisdom November 26, 2020