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Cookie Tier List Day

A national holiday that is celebrated on April 19th where everyone and their mothers( alive and dead) must do a tier list on their favorite cookies)

This Holiday was founded by Wamuu Sir pillarlot back in 300 AC but was then resurfaced by young German men in the early 2000s and is celebrated every year.

I can’t wait to rank cookies on cookie tier list day!

by Omniorb March 11, 2024

Crap Cookie

When a person takes a shit into a receiving vagina. The poop will sometimes stick out like a turtle head.

Hey, wanna give Sue Ann a crap cookie?

by Crab staggums December 8, 2019

Baking Cookies

A Navy term for any action related to "Command Involvement." Such activities usually result in the sailor spending 10% of their time doing their actual job, and 90% doing volunteer/extra activities to raise funds for more activities in an effort to get promoted (or just to avoid real work).

You got an early promotion on your eval? You must have been baking cookies.

by gegilso October 1, 2020

baking cookies

sly shorthand for masturbation

ben is "baking cookies" ;)

by joe69lolxd April 2, 2020

Cinnamon Cookie Doodles


here i come i am Cinnamon Cookie Doodles

by SuperXApple January 22, 2022

Whoop a cookie

A phrase used while driving, to tell someone to turn around and go back the other way.

I told him I had just missed the turn. He said, no worries just whoop a cookie.

by CowboyNTX April 20, 2009

banana cookie pie

abbreviated bcp

banana cookie pie

by nathannathannathannathannathan February 10, 2021