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Something worth fighting for.

A tornado swept through the town.
All the buildings were destroyed, and any human still alive was buried under rubble or evacuated.
And under all the rubble and destruction, there was a gardener.
The gardener had just enough space to kneel, and had dust and dirt all over their face.
They were kneeling over something small and delicate.
A firefighter pulled the rubble away, and saw the trapped gardener.
They pulled the gardener out of the rubble, and saw what they were kneeling over.
A small, white flower.
And the firefighter looked at the gardener in confusion, but they replied simply.
"This flower is my Happiness."

by JayGhost February 25, 2024


something I don’t feel anymore because of fake bitches and boys that break my heart.

I lost all my happiness”

by Jshshshs December 23, 2018


Something I will never experience

Me: I’ve never going to experience happiness again

by Lol 🦐 March 3, 2021


happiness means just landing on earth, walking on earth and spreading love and sharing the goodness. and making the world a beautiful place. much much more beautiful. nd strong. happiness is the simplicity of believing your first love. it was never a lie. love is the only truth. the rest is irrelevant. happiness means awareness. means connecting to the network of the shared consciousness. happiness is being fearless.. happiness is sometimes to be weak even though you might not be weak.happiness is ... so simple.. happiness is to live in your childhood dreams in an adult body.. all sins are allowed but just like wine, drink reasonable (it's for your own good) and accept that some people do not need to drink wine!! hah! yessss they do not!!!

the day i embraced my inner child, i felt happiness if true



A things that does not exist because of school boards

The word happiness can also define a lie

by Toasterbath1257 December 10, 2020


basically the opposite of school. i would say it's something i'll never have but that's not true because...

I watch the office therefore...happiness

by The bestest friend12345678910 February 21, 2020


What everyone on social media has, with the exception of you.

Wow (insert ex's name) has really found happiness, just look at his/her Facebook.

by We Are Giants May 1, 2016