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Having a Charlie Sheen moment

When you are rude and condescending while having a temper tantrum.

Bob: I'm sick of my family, they are all losers, ugly and have no friends.

Joe: Just because they won't give you money and a place to stay doesn't mean they are rude and ugly. Sounds like you are having a Charlie Sheen moment!

by Happygolucky123 February 26, 2011

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Big Lipped Alligator Moment

A musical scene from a film that has little or no bearing to the plot, comes from pretty much out of nowhere, and after it's finished, no one ever speaks of it again.

This can also be used when you and your best friend do something completely random, decide that it makes no sense, and vow to never speak of it again.

Originally found in the Nostalgia Critic/Nostalgia Chick review of "FernGully 2," some of these moments are:
-The Pink Elephants from "Dumbo."
-The song at the very end of "All Dogs Go To Heaven."
-The tunnel scene from the Gene Wilder version of "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory."

Kate: So, how was the play last night?
Peter: It was okay. Herp Derp.
(Then the two just start derping for a while.)
Kate: Well, that was quite a Big Lipped Alligator Moment. Let us never speak of this randomness again.
Peter: Agreed.

by fandomgirl92 June 12, 2013

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big boi bruh moment

An even bigger bruh moment compared to a regular bruh moment.

I thought my wife cheating on me with my dog was a bruh moment, but I found out that she got him pregnant, and that's a BIG BOI BRUH MOMENT.

by Hunterry April 23, 2022

ouh la la moment

a moment that makes u say the french onomatopoeia "ouh la la"

"Did u hear that rich set a fire and he burned down the house?"
"Ouh la la! Really?"
that is an example of an ouh la la moment

by mjcharp June 8, 2019

Oh Sh*t Moment

Those moments right before disaster.

An example of an Oh Sh*t Moment: Oh Sh*t Iโ€™m speeding a hundred miles an hour straight into this wall.

by HarryPorpise July 20, 2020

the monkey's his uncle moment

When someone explains a family related event with a lot of excitement but the other person doesnt really get the complicated family relations. who was the auntie, uncle cousin,nephew etc etc??

a phrase by timon in The Lion King when Timon fails to understand that simba has returned to challenge Scar.

sara: Im sorry which uncle was it? Thats alota family crap and im kinda in the monkey's his uncle moment.

by krystalize August 7, 2010

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Else Lasker-Schueler moment

A moment in time or an occurence marked by:
1. A moment of clarity or "deja vu"
2. A nonsequiter in thought or speech
3. A particularly poignant creativity or inspiration
4. A general feeling of unease or wonderment
5. An inability to adequately describe or comprehend "what just happened".
6. A feeling of being psychic or using alternate senses. Refers to the German-Jewish exile artist/poetess Else Lasker-Schueler.

Well, I was sitting here eating an apple and then I saw my 3rd grade teacher walk in. I gave her an apple, and haven't seen her for 15 years! What an Else Lasker-Schueler moment!

by AddieE. April 13, 2006

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