Longneck ass shut up
When a person has been sucking on their mothers titty milk for 45 years, and it comea out with the consistency of pudding or gravy.
This week on My Strange addiction Thomas will fight his addiction of apply titty gravy on his genitalia.
When a women has an ingrown left titty that lays on the ground.
Jackson: WOAH!! Her titty is on the ground dude!
Emily: Yeah, she's got left titty syndrome.
An expression of extreme pain. Mentally or physically.
When John stubbed his toe he said “ FUCKIN TITTY BITCH!!!”
When Linda didn’t respond to Joe’s message within a week he thought “ FUCKIN TITTY BITCH MY FEELINGS ARE INJURED!!”
A pig titty is the gap between your arm pit and your peck/boob.
Damn bro I was reaching into the back of the truck and the bed rail burnt my pig tittys
When somebody twists your nipples to inflict pain
When I was in primary school I was always given tittie twisters finding it amusing to twist my nipples in front of girls
A boob that is so slim and perky that it stands up. Thus granting itself the ability to coil around a penis sideways. This is the only boob known to man that is capable of performing this solo-boob sideways boobjob.
Girl: "Hey, you into boob jobs?"
Guy: "Yeah! I'll only accept the real slim titty, though."