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the act of tripping, and doing a face plant into a female's breasts. Quite fun and delivers quick erections.

Frank: Hey, Lasahuchahikamarodecimanda! Let's do some TB-ing!
Lasahuchahikamarodecimanda: Okay! There's a hot girl right to the left.
*both trip and land with faces in girl's boobs*
Girl: Onoez, sick TB-ers!

by Niggadicks April 13, 2006

13๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term used simply to say that you are going to go blow some guy's head off in Fallout 3.

"Hey, i'm gonna go V.A.T.S.-ing near Galaxy News Radio, be back around 5."

by maxatron January 11, 2009

29๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


To stare at oneself for long periods of time in any reflective object, no matter the situation. Usually stemming from a love of ones own body.

Reflective items include, but are not limited to:
Mirrors, glass panes, car windows, toasters, other peoples sunglasses, silverware, ect.

Hey dude, stop drabek-ing that car window.

I can't help it, I just love my body that much

by bigBENmagicman October 19, 2011

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When you nibble on someone as a form of foreplay. (See Luis Suarez)

Baby, don't be mad, I was just Suarez-ing a little.

by suarezing June 25, 2014

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The process of searching or deciding on which salami you like the best. Done by visiting meat shops and deli's where ever possible.

When Jerry went salami-ing, he realized that his favorite salami is smoked german salami.

by dfathers November 16, 2007

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the act of splattering all over her while she screams and tries to get out of the car.

Brian likes JFK-ing girls on the 1st date, thats how he landed Danielle.

by JFK-ing around January 14, 2012

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a term used for someone that makes panini sandwiches all day. It involves alot of concentration because you want to insure that the sandwiches don't fall apart from too many layers.

Boss at work: "Get back to your panini-ing!"

Employee: "I will right after you give me back my concentration!"

by CoolGuy20ish May 22, 2010

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