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down to smash

shes totally dts you bro!

by ruzzells November 22, 2019


down to smoke

hey you dts tonight at mine?

by Sab rose May 15, 2022


Down to smoke?

This can be used for any form of smoking including: shisha, crack etc.

As a question:

Nathan and I are meeting up... DTS?
Or as a statement:

Yeah I’m dts

by Bitchasstoner December 30, 2017


DT's new meaning = anarchist conman chiseller double dealer fake fraud grifter imposter liar

That politician suffers from the DTs, no-one can belive a word he says, he destroys the truth and creates chaos in society.

by Numisastro November 6, 2020


down the shore

u dts
yeah wanna link at the beach
yeah sure

by shartlett123 July 6, 2021


Deranged trump Supporter

A person with DtS puts D. trump above God. A person with DtS believes that trump is a victim no matter if the facts prove he did violate the law. A person with DtS worships trump no matter the situation, no matter the facts, no matter what he does or says.

by RJ Wildthing August 27, 2022


"DTS" is an abbreviation for "down the shore," a slang phrase used to refer to traveling to the Jersey Shore.

hey, do you wanna go dts this weekend?

by natthepussycat April 29, 2024