Down to smoke?
This can be used for any form of smoking including: shisha, crack etc.
As a question:
Nathan and I are meeting up... DTS?
Or as a statement:
Yeah I’m dts
DT's new meaning = anarchist conman chiseller double dealer fake fraud grifter imposter liar
That politician suffers from the DTs, no-one can belive a word he says, he destroys the truth and creates chaos in society.
A person with DtS puts D. trump above God. A person with DtS believes that trump is a victim no matter if the facts prove he did violate the law. A person with DtS worships trump no matter the situation, no matter the facts, no matter what he does or says.
"DTS" is an abbreviation for "down the shore," a slang phrase used to refer to traveling to the Jersey Shore.
hey, do you wanna go dts this weekend?