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Joe Biden

A Literal moron. Usually can’t finish his sentences. Likes to smell peoples hair.

Did you see that video of Joe Biden sniffing that woman’s hair? Creepy.

by SimplyStenan December 18, 2021

5👍 10👎

Joe biden

The definition of a grown man so retarded he thinks he can run a country

If I jump off a bridge I will survive: bruh u sound like joe biden when u say that

by Trump 2028 October 31, 2021

5👍 10👎

Joe Biden

Sniffing a minor

Guy 1: Come here ima pull a Joe Biden

Guy 2: I’m not 12 though, and don’t sniff me

by CoolMcCoolFace March 18, 2022

5👍 10👎

Joe Biden

A peice of shit president who supports the homocide of millions of children

Who will you vote for not joe biden

by Diarrheabruh June 19, 2021

5👍 10👎

Joe Biden

A senile old man who doesn’t even know where he is right now.

Hey there folks, I’m Joe Biden’s husband.

by Nig- August 7, 2021

5👍 10👎

Joe Biden

Someone that sniffs kids and can't make a sentence to save his life

Ma'am don't let you children go near Joe Biden

by someone.that.dont.like.joe April 10, 2021

6👍 10👎

Joe Biden

A babbling butt fucking cuckhold that would sell out his country for a McDonald’s cheeseburger filled with semen….

Person One: Who voted for this this butt pounding pedophile Joe Biden….

Person Two: I don’t know man… I’ve seen people with severe Down syndrome make more sense!

by Dr. Pussyfingas October 7, 2021

5👍 10👎