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Shaftage Totale

1. The ultimate shaft
2. The act of being wronged incredibly
3. Falling incredibly short of the intended goal

What? An F on the math test? SHAFTAGE TOTALE!

by Sergio Smeillew April 10, 2003

Total Recalling

The act of crushing an ammonia inhalent capsule and shoving it up an unsuspecting sleeping victims nose. ** Named after the scene in the popular 80's action film Total Recall, where lead character Douglas Quaid is asked to remove a tracking device from his brain through his nasal cavity.

As I approached the stop light, ammonia inhalent capsule in hand, I couldn't resist the need to Total Recall my shithead brother who'd fallen asleep a few miles back. Needless to say, he did not like it at all. Total Recalling FTW%

by Cbass2 December 25, 2011

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Total Package

Caleb Carter has the combination of both looks and personality, sense of humor, etc.

It's rare to find someone that has the total package.

by BigCa816 December 19, 2020

totally juice

totally juice, what they give kids at school lunches, and the most suspicious branding Iโ€™ve ever seen.

โ€œTotally juice, made from 100% juiceโ€ -the packaging.

by Blob the bi frog god December 11, 2022

Total Maniac

A Total Maniac is someone who tries way too hard to come off like a punk rock sleazeball. They perform a corny caricature of 'sex, drugs, and rock'n'roll', only when they don't have to be in the office tomorrow. A particular breed of "weekend warrior", from the poser genus.

"I bet Dustin would huff some duster with us"
"probably not, he's all talk, total maniac."

by vaughnun June 13, 2023

total vagina

a bigger pussy than most people would ever tolerate. Sucks at life. See also Flopdick.

You are being a total vagina, chug that beer, bitch

by stu is big April 14, 2005

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total eclipse

This refers to someone with a mega large arse

fuck look at that
look at the size of that total eclipse

by Avidfan and Dark-skye December 29, 2005

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