a female baller that pimps the brothas has mad skills and in the mornin is out of the house like a fat kid in dodgeball
YO! dat bitch is a sha baller fer earl! she be hardcore on da g! holla back youngin!
9👍 4👎
Kodie Baller is the real god. We should worship him instead of Jesus. His orange ranga hair floats in the wind like a cloud in the sky. Kodie Baller's masculinity makes anyone instantly horny. He is considered to be the biggest baller anyone has any seen and could instantly turn anyone gay if they weren't before from his hot sexy body. sexy
Friend 1 " yooo that ranga over ther is pretty good at basketball"
Friend 2 " yeah hes so sexy he makes me want to read aloud the decleration of independence....."
Friend 1 "...........'
Friend 2 "WHEN in the Course of human Events it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth the separate & equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.
uing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such of a free people who mean to be free. Future ages will scarcely believe that the hardiness of one man adventured, within the short compass of twelve years only, to lay a foundation so broad & so undisguised for tyranny over a people fostered & fixed in principles of freedom.
And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, & our sacred honor."
Friend 1 " yo what the fuck"
Friend 2 " Kodie baller = president 2020"
A basketball player who is a savage and can ball.
A person who plays any sport withe the word ball in it is a savage baller as long as their good.
"She's a savage baller"
"I'm a savage baller"
"Are you a savage baller?"
There's baller, and then there's bonafide baller. Someone who's so authentically true to their beliefs and their own unique vibe it puts them on a status above baller- a bonafide baller. Baller is thrown around like confetti. Who is the baller of all ballers? A bonafide baller. And no two bonafide ballers can be put in the same category.
"Tupac is baller, but so is Kanye with his Yeezys. Who is the baller of all ballers? Captain America- he really owns his shit past and present."
"So is that dude Ryan, he has such a true vibe and everything he does his intention."
"You're right. They're bonafide ballers in their own right."
A nitty baller is one who has a nitty lifestyle whilst actually having the money to back their drug habits.
AJ: We’re nitty ballers you know bro?
Ethan: We’ve been through 12 bags of cocaine!
AJ: But it’s all paid for, my sweet boy.
Referring to the size of a pipe/ rig when dabbing THC concentrates. Due to the Smaller rigs ability to pass along the flavors of the concentrates better.
Did you see that new rig the homie just scooped? It's only like 4" tall... yo Smaller is baller!