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Bike Floss

The kind of wire bike lock that is so thin you can break it using a scissors.

TED: My bike just got stolen.
SAM: Its because you were using bike floss.

by Clenal March 18, 2009

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

backend biking

when a girl is riding a motorcycle down a highway while a dude is fucking her in the ass.

the boy looked out the car window to see backend biking.

The couple got arrested for backend biking.

"Sally do you want to expierience backend biking with me?"

by Jim Bendover April 20, 2009

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Jap Bike

Motorcycle manufactured by the big 4 Japanese manufacturers. Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha.

I used to be a Brit Bike die hard, but i bought a Jap Bike and haven't looked back.

by EM104 March 25, 2011

11πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A variation of the modern era bi-cycle, typically used by weaker humans who arnt strong enough to pedal with their chicken legs. E-Bike owners usually drive white Mercedes Sprinter vans, annoying the public because of it’s stupid size, taking up multiple car parks.

I wish i never bought an E-Bike because everyone makes fun of me.

by Jazza92 February 13, 2019

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Bike ride

A LSD trip, from the legendary bike ride done by albert hoffman

"Im going on a bike ride later"

by krs-too October 24, 2008

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orgasm on a bike

1. When a girl is riding a bike and her short shorts are too small and the bike is too small. Causing her shorts to make a camel toe and rub her clit eventually causing an orgasm.
2. when a pair makes love through the spokes ina tire of a bike and they orgasm at the same time

1. girl 1- yesterday i went on a bike ride with Seth and i had a orgasm on a bike after about 5 minutes of riding, i was screaming and moaning, so we turned around and went back to his place and made hot nasty love for four hours streight
girl 2- lucky! i want a orgasm on a bike with my bf
2. yesterday my bf and i had bike sex and we orgasm on a bikeed

by orgasm on a bike girl June 13, 2010

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track bike

a fixed gear bike with no brakes

He's crazy ridin a track bike on the street!

by jayhawkbiker April 4, 2007

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