Brandon's birthday is always around the corner. He always makes up when his birthday is and he gets like 15 different birthdays every year. Somehow he always gets away with it too. Somehow I'm the only one who knows. All I need to do is catch him on camera, then I will reveal to the whole world, and everyone will know his secret. Then I'll be the hero.
Person 1: Brandon I will spill your beans.
Person 2: You won't have any birthdays next year.
Person 3: and that's a promise.
brandon is one of the most amazing guy you’ll ever meet. He knows how to make you laugh, and put a smile on your face for the whole day. he’s my favorite person. his personality, looks, and everything all together amazes me because he is so perfect. every single little thing he does keeps amazing me everyday and he is truly my soulmate. my everything. don’t ever doubt dating brandon bc he will change your perspective on anything. makes you see the world for what it is and helps you love yourself. he’s the type of person of not having good memory and very picky about his food. he tries to not make you uncomfortable on intimate moments. he makes you feel that special spark that you’ve never felt before, just like fireworks or rollercoasters. he is athletic and hopefully only loves one person forever.
i would love brandon even through an apocalypse.
Brandon is one of the most amazing guys you will ever meet. He is extremly caring and sweet as well as funny, and intelligent. Brandon is daddy. You will never meet a better guy than Brandon. He is very outgoing if he likes you. Brandon is the most amazing friend anyone could ever ask for. Never stop calling him daddy.
That Brandon dude is a pain of the ass.
The nice guy in your life that loves you. His father left him and he lives in a dumpster. He is a manlet 4'11 elf
Brandon is the ultimate man. Papi supreme. You will come across him when you are at your loneliest and he will brighten your life with memes. Over time you will appreciate him more and more until you realize you are soulmates. He is effortlessly cool. His wit is unmatched. Some call him a Meme God.
Man, I hope I have big dick energy like Brandon one day.
the most hottest, finest, cutest, bestest guy in the world. when people see him walk past, they stare. he's tall, and has a deep voice, and will look you straight in the eye for a solid 5 seconds. he has colored hair, and is an absolute god.
person:did you see that boy in the hall?
girl:yeah.. his name is brandon